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Kubee, Make your website AR experience as easy as video sharing


What is kubee?

Kubee is a WebAR content management service developed by WE-AR, a professional AR content studio. With Kubee, brand merchandisers and marketers can easily run metaverse campaigns. Provide fresh experiences and let customers experience your products with AR tech using Kubee.

Who we are?

WE-AR is an AR content studio that has collaborated with the most clients in Asia. We created Kubee with the mission of making 3D asset management easier and more convenient in the upcoming era of AR, VR, and Metaverse.

  • 페이스북로고
  • 현대카드로고
  • 삼성로고
  • 카카오로고
  • yg로고
  • cj로고
  • 티빙로고
  • 그린피스로고
  • historyhoo로고
  • 엘지로고
  • 레드불 이미지
  • 비비공 이미지


Sharing is easier than ever, just like sharing YouTube videos.

  • STEP 01

    Upload your 3D asset from Kubee

  • STEP 02

    Create a shareable link in just 10 seconds.

  • STEP 03

    Insert the link into your webpage and share the AR experience with consumers.

Collection page created just by uploading

Easily browse all your products in AR on Kubee's collection page. You can complete a shopping channel just by uploading a 3D product. Make your brand's AR shopping experience easier than ever.

EQL Collection Page

3D Viewer & AR

You can browse the product in 3D on the website. Insert Kubee's 3D link just like embedding YouTube videos. It applies not only to commerce solutions such as Cafe24 and NHN commerce but also to Notion.


Any questions? Send us an email at:


*Android 9 or iOS 13 or higher is required for full functionality.